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Tyndall Manchester

Tyndall's research in water, energy and food nexus

Water energy food nexus

There are multiple complex and interrelated challenges facing water, energy and food that global human society must now attempt to solve.

Interdependencies at the water–energy–food nexus are largely ignored in decision-making. Consequently opportunities to realise co-benefits of integrated management and avoided tensions are missed. There are also multiple sources of uncertainty surrounding the water–energy–food nexus, from inconsistencies in the availability of data to the dependence of future conditions on decisions yet to be made by multiple actors in different sectors.

This raises questions such as; how can innovations in production and consumption systems reduce the negative impacts across the water-energy-food nexus; what are the implications of future change for the water-energy-food nexus; and how can we support policymakers and practitioners in taking account of the various interdependencies of the nexus?

Our researchers are investigating how radical alternatives to today’s food systems production systems may benefit the water-energy-food nexus. Our team provides analysis and critique of existing UK land management policy and strategy, food systems, and the intersections between production and consumption systems. We are also developing novel participatory scenario methods to work with stakeholders across the water-energy-food nexus to support decision-making.