Tyndall's success at The University of Manchester's Making a Difference Awards 2019
22 May 2019
Research projects on local climate change targets, sustainable consumption and decarbonising electricity networks that Tyndall Manchester have been involved in were recognised in the Outstanding Benefit to Society category of this year’s Making a Difference Awards.
These awards highlight the diverse and impactful projects Tyndall Manchester researchers have contributed to in the past year. The contribution of Carly McLachlan, Jaise Kuriakose, Kevin Anderson, John Broderick and Alice Larkin to the BEIS funded Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction (SCATTER) project was a winner in the Outstanding Benefit to Society category. The SCATTER project was a collaboration between Tyndall Manchester, sustainability consultants Anthesis Group and Greater Manchester Combined Authority to develop and pilot a process for supporting cities to set ambitious climate change targets. This approach is now being rolled out to other parts of the UK and Europe.
The Change Points for the Nexus at Home is an ESRC funded project on innovative interventions for less resource-intensive ways of living. Claire Hoolohan’s collaboration with Alison Browne in the Sustainable Consumption Institute and colleagues at Sheffield University on Change Points was highly commended. The Smart Street project on reducing carbon emissions from electricity networks, funded by the Ofgem Local Carbon Networks Fund, received the award for emerging impact. Life cycle assessment on carbon savings from Smart Street by Chris Jones was part of a collaboration with University of Manchester Electrical Energy and Power Systems group, Kelvatek, TNEI, Siemens and Queen’s University Belfast.
The work in the SCATTER, Change Points and Smart Street projects (funded by BEIS, ESRC and Ofgem respectively) is part of ongoing research at Tyndall Manchester on carbon budgets and pathways, the water-energy-food nexus and low carbon energy systems.