Tyndall's Jaise Kuriakose presents on local carbon budgets at KPMG
22 May 2019
Jaise Kuriakose was an invited speaker at the CDP Spring Workshop at KPMG in London, presenting Tyndall work on local carbon budgets.
CDP are a global leader in supporting sustainability actions by investors, companies and cities.
Jaise has been part of a team alongside Carly McLachlan, Kevin Anderson, John Broderick and Alice Larkin who delivered the BEIS funded Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction (SCATTER) project in collaboration with Anthesis Group and Greater Manchester Combined Authority. SCATTER is a tool for supporting cities to develop ambitious plans to tackle climate change. Setting science based carbon budgets that meet the objectives for the Paris Agreement are integral to the SCATTER project and Jaise’s presentation to CDP focused on the method developed by Tyndall Manchester on budget setting.
The presentation also provided insight into the process of working with local authorities, from developing the carbon budgets through to their adoption by Manchester City Council. The event has also been a springboard to future collaboration on setting local climate change targets through a workshop in collaboration with CDP, Anthesis Group and Nottingham City Council to support local authorities in budget setting.
A number of city and local authority representatives from around the UK attended the talk with a view to applying Tyndall Manchester carbon budgets in their localities. The presentation is part of ongoing engagement on local climate change action.